Teachers are donating their time and talents and ALL classes are donation-based.
Warm apple cider will be served in our beautiful lounge after each class.
Donations for classes will go to a different charity each day. You are welcome to give a cash or check donation or simply click your class-pass and place it in the donation basket and Body Grace will make the donation.
Friends and family are always welcome to our classes!
Visit www.bodygrace.com
Wednesday Evening, November 24
6:45 - 8:00 pm, Flow Yoga 1 – 2 with Jan
"Count Your Blessings"
A candlelit class (okay fake candles) centered around the heart with gentle backbendsand shoulder openers, ending with a relaxing restorative pose.
Donations to Committee for Helping Others - A local nonprofit providing simple, loving charity to those in need of goods and services which they are unable to provide for themselves.
Please bring canned goods or donate your class.
Thanksgiving Morning
10:00 - 11:00 am, Slow Flow Yoga with Kathy
"Turkey Day Tranquility"
A morning meditation and movement class--pause before the food and football--to give thanks for life's many gifts and to stoke digestive fires in preparation for the day's indulgences. A gentle sequence, suitable for any friends and family new to yoga.
Donations to Our Military Kids
A nonprofit group offering grants for after-school activities to preschool through high-school aged children of active duty or injured National Guard service men and women.
Friday Morning, November 26
A Day to De-Turkefy or Tofu-kefy
9:15 - 10:15 am, Yoga Strength with Jan
Let the world of yoga and traditional strength training collide!
After a yoga-inspired warm-up, we'll grab tubes and weights, as well as use our own body weight to build strength and then end with deep stretches and reward ourselves with relaxation.
This class requires athletic shoes.
10:30 - 11:45 am, Yoga Flow 1 – 2 with Jan
Detox with a flowing practice emphasizing strong core work and twists.
Noon - 1:00 pm, Slow Flow with Jan
Take a break from shopping and enjoy a relaxing, slower paced yoga practice that will help you feel refreshed.
Donations to Committee for Helping Others for all classes - Please bring canned goods or donate your class.
Saturday Morning, November 27
9:30 - 10:30 am, Pilates with Julie Moore
An all-levels class. Participants will be encouraged to work at their own level.
Donations to Committee for Helping Others - Please bring canned goods or donate your class.
10:45 am – Noon, Flow Yoga 1 - 2 with Diane
"A Gratitude Practice"
Lots of Sun Salutations and flow to continue the detox process.
Donations to Global Giving
A nonprofit that connects donors with grassroots projects around the world to make a high impact.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jan Crerie
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